Shadow and light I

 Stangos Nikos

 ...The structure of a sentence
In our sight, a dark, fleeting reality
And also an obsession
With meanings which resist all change.

Regression, repetition, rhetoric,
Seductive metaphors sought in a dream,
The object of desire with single phrase
Which will contain all meanings...

...What we were taught were double meanings,
Unstructured texts of deep symbolic lineage,
Symptoms of language with split figures,
Ambiguous numbers which conceal the real.

Secrets then glean in their masked words
When deceit dazzles with its forgeries,
The lucid writers hiding their laws,
Authors of phantom books of random choices.

And we in our innocence, curiously to learn,
Murmuring syllables we think reveal bright actions,
Crave for a language that belongs alone to the language to language,
Speech that enunciates such longings but does not replace them.

We think we've forged symbolic pacts with language,
Creators of a world of words taken for things,
Legible structures of incestuous marriages
Of images in words, of the one truth.

'' How could speech exhaust the meaning of speech?''
Stangos Nikos poetry

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